From January 5th to January 25th we are calling for 21 days of prayer and fasting. We are setting this time aside to corporately pray and fast together. As we draw near to God,
He will draw near to us.

Jesus expected His disciples to fast as a natural result of discipleship — just as He expects us to give to the needy and pray passionately (Matthew 6:2,5,16).

The simple definition of fasting is to abstain from food for a period of time.

When we talk about fasting it is important to understand that it is
voluntary, private, and Holy Spirit led.

Fasting is a time set apart to seek after the heart of God while denying your physical body of food and focusing on taking in the word of God and prayer.

Fasting is considered a spiritual discipline that all believers should participate in as they are able.

Typically, fasting is practiced individually by believers by means of separating certain foods or all foods from one’s diet. Fasting is intended to heighten our focus in prayer and worship, intensify fervor in seeking after the heart of God, and gain control over one’s fleshly, physical cravings and human will. As we deny our body, our spiritual awareness is often times heightened.

Fasting is much less about what we put into our stomachs
and more about what we put into our souls.


He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel,
“Oh, that you would bless me and expand my
territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and
keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God
granted him his request.
1 Chronicles 4:10 NLT

1.) Health and Healing
2.) The Harvest
3.) Relationships
4.) Local government
5.) Marriages
6.) Revival
7.) National Government
8.) Unity in our church
9.) First responders
10.) Our cities
11.) Children and teenagers
12.) Our pastors and leaders
13.) Future CFC locations
14.) Missionaries
15.) Schools and teachers
16.) Financial breakthrough
17.) Our lead pastors
18.) Every need in our church
19.) Local businesses and business owners
20.) Family and home
21.) Bible believing churches