
Who We Are
CFC Legacy Schools is a growing Private Christian School under the Spiritual Leadership of Christian Faith Center in Nampa, ID.

Mission and Vision of CFC Legacy Schools:
At CFC Legacy Schools, our mission is to love students and their families to life through Christ-centered education. Our vision is to see families supported in their educational goals for their children and for all students to receive the education they need to grow into the purposes God has for their life.

Our Commitment to Education:
As a private Christian school dedicated to excellence in Christ-centered education, we depend on God’s grace through faith and His Spirit to uphold high standards of teaching and learning. We want to see our students grow like Jesus did. “As Jesus grew taller, he continued to grow in wisdom. God was pleased with Him and so were the people who knew Him.” (Luke 2:52 ERV) In light of this, we value intentional, visible growth in all areas, opportunities for experiencing God’s redeeming love and transforming presence, and respectful and generous engagement in community with students, families, and staff as integral parts of our educational philosophy.

Cultural Values

We are:
Redemption Obsessed, Faith Focused, Spirit-Filled, Growth Committed, Generous Spirited, Honor Minded, Team Centric, Unity Oriented, Hospitality Hearted and Excellence Driven

Statement of Faith

We are in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Christian Faith Center and the Assemblies of God. You can read this statement at: ag.org/Beliefs/Our-Core-Doctrines. If you would like a printed-out copy, please let us know.

Educational Program DirectorPastor Laura Shaffer
Educational Program Director
Pastor Laura Shaffer


“Miss Shaffer”

Pastor Laura serves our school with more than 10 years of experience in Elementary School education, a wide array of training certificates in various educational strategies, and over 30 years in active ministry.  She has her degree in Elementary Education from Northwest University and is currently pursuing a Masters in Bible and Theology.

Her passions in education are first, to come alongside families to help students have the skills necessary to walk in all that God has planned for their life, and second, to help students love learning by understanding how learning works, and that everyone can be a successful learner.

When she’s not at church, she loves cuddling with her dog, Archie, laughing with her nephew and nieces, dabbling in all manner of crafts, and planning her next travel adventure.

Program Operations DirectorBobbiJo Strong
Program Operations Director
BobbiJo Strong

“Mrs. BobbiJo” or “Mrs. Strong”

Bobbi Jo Strong serves as the Program Operations Director at CFC Legacy Schools, where she is dedicated to fostering a nurturing and effective learning environment. With a strong management background, Bobbi Jo took time away from her career to raise her family before returning to the workforce in 2014. Since then, she has committed herself to the education sector, utilizing her leadership skills to support both students and staff.

Bobbi Jo enjoys helping families navigate and settle into the school system from the office side of things, ensuring they feel welcomed and supported. Her experience in management, combined with her firsthand understanding of the challenges families face, informs her approach to developing innovative solutions within the school system.

In her free time, Bobbi Jo enjoys exploring outdoor activities and spending quality time with her family. She believes in the importance of balance between work and home and feels incredibly blessed to work in a God centered environment. Her faith is what grounds her in all aspects of life.

Our Team

Assistant Directors
Marla Hill – Preschool
Bérénice Rivera – Elementary

Lead Teachers
Marla Hill “Mrs. Marla” – Preschool
Maria McQueary “Mrs. Maria” – Preschool
Laurie Dominguez “Miss Laurie” – Kinder
Bérénice Rivera “Mrs. B.” – Kinder
Sheila Hagaman "Mrs. Hagaman" – 1st Grade
Petra Capellino "Miss C." – 2nd Grade
Jennifer Upton "Miss Upton" – 3rd/4th Grade