
Spiritual Life

At CFC Legacy Schools we put God first in everything we do. Each day, teachers pray together before students arrive and each class begins with prayer as well as praying throughout the day. We have a strong Bible curriculum through Abeka and challenge our students to memorize scripture and Bible truths.

Starting this year, we will be doing weekly Chapel services on Monday morning for all Elementary grades where we will worship together and hear a special message from God’s Word. Once a quarter our Chapel services will be open for our families to come and join us.

We also will be challenging all our classes to choose at least one service project throughout the year so that they are not only learning about God but are also learning how to serve Him by sharing His love with others.

Family Opportunities

At Legacy schools, our student’s families are an essential part of our school community. We believe that parents have a God-given responsibility to provide for the education of their children and we want to support you in that role. We welcome parents into the conversation about their child’s learning at school, and love when parents volunteer and are involved in helping us create a warm and exciting school culture!

Stay tuned to our school newsletters to learn more about various family night events, school programs, and individual class special events. There’s always something fun right around the corner for our families!

We would also like to start a Parent-Teacher Fellowship this year (the same idea as a PTA/PTO). If you would be interested in helping us to get this powerful opportunity for families to help our school of the ground and running, please contact Pastor Laura